Outdoor Living Panel at KBIS – Hot Topic!

It’s no secret that Outdoor Living has rapidly become a hot topic in the home design industry. So popular, in fact, that KBIS 2016 hosted a panel dedicated entirely to discussing the trend on the KBIS NeXT Stage. Part of the Almo Premium brand family, Alfresco Open Air Culinary Systems was well represented by outdoor kitchen design expert Dale Seiden, VP and Co-Founder of Alfresco.

Some of the key points covered during the panel included:

  1. Ventilation is important. Even though you’re outside, if your outdoor kitchen is covered or partially covered, you need to consider ventilation to avoid breathing in unhealthy fumes from the grill, or smoking out your guests, among other safety issues.
  1. Consider your environment and choose proper materials accordingly. Everything from dry, desert climates to salty ocean air can greatly alter the quality of your outdoor products and construction, so you need to choose materials accordingly.
  1. Placement is important. A professional designer can help you organize your outdoor living space to avoid aesthetic issues like the chef grilling with his back to the guests at the table, or the prep stations blocking access to the house.

For more advice from Dale and the panel, watch the presentation on the KBIS YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp0BDhIYmnA

Outdoor Living Panel at KBIS – Hot Topic!
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